Malam itu, seperti biasa, topik kami adalah masalah klise para sarjana pengangguran, "Gimana, dah dapet panggilan, lom? Akhirnya kamu nglamar dmana aja, Wit?" ..yaaa semacam itulah
Ketika pembicaraan tiba pada masalah tren melamar pekerjaan secara online, maka fasilitas publik bernama warnet pun ikut disebut-sebut. Temanku secara tidak sengaja menemukan bahwa di folder komputer warnet langganannya ternyata penuh dengan hasil download bokep. Kemudian obrolan pun bergulir menjadi tentang beralihfungsinya warnet menjadi tempat..(thiit)...Hmm, mungkin bukan beralih fungsi kali ya, tapi multi fungsi....
Lantas temanku itu tiba-tiba nyeletuk, "Eh, kl mereka nonton kaya gitu di warnet atau malah begituan langsung, brarti kita harus waspada loh kalo ke warnet.."
Awalnya rada bingung juga. Bahaya yang mana nih maksudnya...
Kata temenku lagi, "Iya, kan mungkin aja kemudian terjadi semacam reaksi biologis yang menyebabkan dihasilkannya zat-zat dari 'pintu pembuangan'."..Hmm, lantas?..."Ya iyaa, ntar kan jangan-jangan tembus mpe kursi lagi. Trus bayangin aja habis itu kita yang duduk di situ. Hiiy.."
O'ow, iya juga sih ya....Wah aku belum pernah kepikiran sampai ke situ. Selama ini kalau ke warnet biasanya aku dengan polosnya duduk di kursi di depan komputer, dengan pikiran bersih tanpa ada prasangka apa-apa. Trus kalau misalnya dah masuk waktu sholat, biasanya habis dari warnet biasanya di mampir kampus bentar untuk sholat..kemudian aku pun sholat dengan pakaian yang sama dengan pakaian yang dipakai ke warnet !!!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Hati-Hati di Warnet, Karena Tanpa Kita Tau Mungkin Aja ......
Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang teman menelepon malam-malam. Teman satu ini kalo telpon, lamanya bener2 bisa bikin kuping panas. Maklum, karena masih sama-sama berstatus 'pengacara', pengangguran banyak acara, alias banyak acara TV yang ditonton gituu...^_^
Thursday, June 1, 2006
My 1st Blog...EARTHQUAKE !!!!
Have you ever felt that actually death is so close to you? Even closer than your neck !!! For the first time in my life, I understood why we should not forget that all of us will die someday. Trust me, it's so scary! Imagining that the end is so close to you, knowing that there's no more time to do good deeds, and realizing that GOD is truly really great while we're just nothing!!!
Two days ago, a big terrible earthquake woke me up in the morning. Some news mentioned that it was 5.9 scale richter (I don't know how to mention it in correct form of english), but I think it was bigger. The quake duration was 1 minute(more or less). It was tectonical, coming from Hindia Ocean which its coasts lie along the southern part of the island where my hometown is.
Thank God, there was no tsunami. But still, it was so tragic. My hometown suffers the worst because we're the nearest place from the quake centrum. Hundreds of buildings (houses, schools, offices...) fell down, more than 2,000 people died (even one of them was my schoolmate), and the survivors now live homeless, injured and starved.
I got so much lucky. I'm alive, my whole family are alive and my house is standing still. But what I got from the disaster is the most important thing. I'm not going to spend my life just for fun. No more useless things !!
You know why? Because life is just too short to waste. Trust me. Don't wait until you feel it yourself...It's so scary.
Have you ever felt that actually death is so close to you? Even closer than your neck !!! For the first time in my life, I understood why we should not forget that all of us will die someday. Trust me, it's so scary! Imagining that the end is so close to you, knowing that there's no more time to do good deeds, and realizing that GOD is truly really great while we're just nothing!!!
Two days ago, a big terrible earthquake woke me up in the morning. Some news mentioned that it was 5.9 scale richter (I don't know how to mention it in correct form of english), but I think it was bigger. The quake duration was 1 minute(more or less). It was tectonical, coming from Hindia Ocean which its coasts lie along the southern part of the island where my hometown is.
Thank God, there was no tsunami. But still, it was so tragic. My hometown suffers the worst because we're the nearest place from the quake centrum. Hundreds of buildings (houses, schools, offices...) fell down, more than 2,000 people died (even one of them was my schoolmate), and the survivors now live homeless, injured and starved.
I got so much lucky. I'm alive, my whole family are alive and my house is standing still. But what I got from the disaster is the most important thing. I'm not going to spend my life just for fun. No more useless things !!
You know why? Because life is just too short to waste. Trust me. Don't wait until you feel it yourself...It's so scary.
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[Part 2] Skin Journal, A New Journey - [Review] Laneige Clear-C Advanced Effector EX
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